Sunday, April 18, 2010


An addon to todays scheduled posting to show off how cute my little rocker was last night at Ally and Gareth's 80's Rock party.

I had so much fun dressing Vienna up in her KISS outfit, it is such a shame her Daddy is still away in Melbourne and didn't get to join in for a party that he would have loved!

Being a rocker is in her blood! She was partying at gigs while still growing and this time she got to dress up and show everyone how cool she is! Everyone loved her baby fishnet stockings - they were the perfect finishing touch.

She loved seeing Roel (my cousin Nicola's husband) at the party - she knows all about KISS and was quite happy to hang out with him as he was on of the band from Daddy's DVD that they watch together. She had a yummy munch on his shiny outfit.

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